
Cygnet [ Grand Summoners ] Awoken Cygnet


A Machine servant who swore loyalty to Liza, the First Princess of the Gran Verge Kingdom. 

Cygnet had been a mere gardener, but when the magic sleeping within her suddenly awoke, Liza took notice and she took Cygnet as her servant. 

Cygnet made a good match for Liza, who disliked formalities and preferred to speak plainly. 

When Liza couldn't find the words for what she wanted to say, Cygnet would speak for her, becoming an interpreter of sorts for her master's aloof curtness.

Awoken Cygnet

An eternal partner and servant to Liza, the First Princess of the Gran Verge Kingdom. 

The relationship between a master and their servant can take many forms. They may cover for each other's shortcomings or strengthen each other's merits. 

Cygnet and Liza's relationship leaned overwhelmingly towards the former. 

Liza's unparalleled focus sometimes came at the expense of her regular life, but Cygnet supported her master through this. Meanwhile, 

Cygnet lacked self-confidence despite her incredible qualities, but Liza would always push her servant past her insecurities.

CV: Mutusumi Tamura