
Venom Draco Warrior Aesis [ Grand Summoners ] Awoken Venom Queen Dragoness Aesis

Venom Draco Warrior Aesis

A Dragon warrior who led an army of mixed races during the early Ancient War. 

She was feared for her lack of mercy on the battlefield, but she always stuck to her beliefs and never betrayed her allies, 

leading many to admire to admire her. 

Although her unit was famously known as the Indomitable Legion of Dragons, she once left tens of thousands of soldiers stranded during a critical battle. 

According to one theory, she may have done this to avoid getting her comrade in arms--a mage with a young child--mixed up in the chaos. 

However, no one knows the truth.

Venom Queen Dragoness Aesis

A Dragon warrior spoken of as a goddess on the battlefield. 

Aesis was filled with regret for going against her own dignity and betraying her allies. 

Even if it had been to protect a friend from a reckless battle, she had still tricked a comrade in arms into leaving her unit. 

She had been prepared for her friend's anger when they reunited, but her friend, who understood the situation, readily forgave her and said, "Thanks to you, I could protect my family." 

When Aesis heard those words, she felt years of unease disappear.

CV: Misato Murai