
Passinate Offbeat Rits [ Grand Summoners ] Awoken Solace Virtuosa Rits

Passinate Offbeat Rits

Knight and string player of the Stella platoon. 

She is an estimated late teenage girl who speaks in a unique tone. 

She has been a string player for generations, and she has outstanding playing skills. 

Her words and actions are always bright and at her own pace. 

She sometimes acts eccentrically and often stunns her surroundings. 

She is such an unmanned girlfriend, but her roots are kind and caring, so she is very much loved by her friends.

Solace Virtuosa Rits

A young head of the string swordsmanship school with a history of more than 400 years, inheriting the Musaku Ito-ryu school. 

He has a strong belief in protecting the passion of the artist. She is also an artist herself, and because of her nature, her eccentric behavior stands out, and she spends her holidays wandering around as she is interested. 

She seems totally inconsistent with it, but according to Salisa, who accompanies her recently, she "has a certain law in the trajectory of Ritz's curiosity."

CV: Nana Harumura