
Mistress of the Mind's Eye Sonije [ Grand Summoners ] Awoken Empress of Spirit World Sonije

Mistress of the Mind's Eye Sonije

A noble daughter of the Principality of Bamint in the era of confusion just after the Ancient War, and one of the Five Freedom Fighters. 

Granddaughter of a Spirit who befriended the Humans, she hated her strict noble upbringing and so attempted a clandestine journey to escape...

but was attacked by monsters on the way. 

She then fell in love with the scholar who saved her, and forced her way into his traveling companionship. 

These later became known as the Five Freedom Fighters, 

the group led by Freed to find her magical power allows her mind's eye to see farther and more clearly than any sighted person.

Empress of Spirit World Sonije

A sorceress who passed on the true history to future generations. 

She fled an assassin's attack with her scholar lover, and later they bore a child in secret. 

Just as they were find true happiness, she was thrown into confusion when she was deceived into believing her old friends were killed by a traitor in their midst. 

The mention of a name already mistrusted sent her into a rage, leading her right into a trap. 

She agreed to help catch the "traitor" but ended up losing her husband and her right arm. 

She somehow survived and passed down the secret history to her child.

CV: Yui Hashimoto