
Dragonsmith Rhodia | Holy Slasher Rhodia [ Grand Summoners ] Awoken Holy Dragoness Rhodia

Dragonsmith Rhodia

A legendary Dragon Blacksmith. 

Single-mindedly obsessed with creating powerful equipment, Rhodia cared little about who used the tools she created. 

One day, a young man appeared, asking about the whereabouts of a Machine she had done upgrades to. 

She sensed a powerful will behind his words, and taught him Draconic martial arts so that he might realize his mission. 

From that day forward, Rhodia supposedly acted more warmly to others.

Holy Slasher Rhodia

A legendary Dragon Blacksmith. 

Single-mindedly obsessed with creating powerful equipment, Rhodia cared little about who used the tools she created. 

One day, a young man appeared, asking about the whereabouts of a Machine she had done upgrades to. 

She sensed a powerful will behind his words, and taught him Draconic martial arts so that he might realize his mission. 

From that day forward, Rhodia supposedly acted more warmly to others.

Holy Dragoness Rhodia

The dragon blacksmith Rhodia and her former student Saar, a young half-Beast half-Demon man, fought a desperate battle against Demon warrior Leon. 

When Leon struck down with his great axe, Rhodia rushed in to take the blow for Saar, 

but she suffered a fatal injury, Rhodia knew that her end was nigh, so she confirmed that her student was safe and gave him the armor that she had spent half her life to create. 

Afterwards, she smiled contentedly and closed her eyes.

CV: Miyuki Kathleen