
Jade Sickle Reaper Veronica [ Grand Summoners ] Dancing Scythe Reaper Veronica

Jade Sickle Reaper Veronica

A mysterious girl on a never-ending journey of solitude. She sent many monsters to their graves with her gigantic scythe. 

She became somewhat of a legend among monster hunters an an enigmatic scythe-wielder who relied on no one. 

Although her manner of speech was rather mature despite her lack of words, she loved sweets just like other children her age. 

It always seemed like she was looking for something, but she never talked to anyone about it.

Dancing Scythe Reaper Veronica

No one know what Veronicia was after, she wandered the word endlessy, without opening her heart to anyone

those who know her suspected that she was actually a demon

due to her appearance never changing over the decade.

to someone had once witnessed Veronicia lose her right arm during a fight with gaint moster.

but was shocked to discover in back to normal when they saw her the next day.

because of this, more and people began to fear her and look at her in disgust.

you should't involve yourself with me.. im telling you for your own sake. you might get caught up in my misfortune if you get too close..

CV: Haruka Shamoto