
Searing Knight Ragna [ Grand Summoners ] Inferno Lord Ragna Inferno Emperor Ragna

Searing Knight Ragna

A knight, born among the Gods, who chose to fight for Humans. 

Though Ragna observed many duels between Humans, he never participated. People only grew aware of his existence and power sometimes after the beginning of the great war. 

Supposedly, he took up the sword to protect innocent children and the elderly who came under attack, 

telling those responsible not to "spoil his fun" - words remembered even now.

Inferno Lord Ragna

A knight, born among the Gods, who threw his lot in with Humans. 

During the Great War, Ragna aligned himself with no country, and continued traveling the world to help those in need. 

He turned his blade not just against Demons, but anyone who dared to harm the weak, inspiring fear in the strong and courage in the oppressed. 

Always a wellspring of hope, he never offered his name, leaving it blank from the pages of history.

Inferno Emperor Ragna

A knight of the Gods whose name lives on only as a word of hope. 

Hailed as a savior in the Ancient War, he was in truth a brave protector of the weak and warrior for justice. 

And yet, for non-Humans, he was a figure of fear whose name is spoken even today in hushed tones. 

Today in Raktehelm, none alive know that the mantra of Ragna, spoken in times of deepest distress is his true name.

CV: Shoya Chiba