
Dragon Knight Gerald [ Grand Summoners ] Awoken Dragon Lord Gerald

Dragon Knight Gerald

A young officer who led a legion under the command of the Dragons, early in the Ancient War. 

He held his commanding officer in such respect, that he felt deep pride in serving the Dragons hand and foot. 

He joined his commander in a mission to kill a Maiden Oracle, but he began to doubt the need to slay an innocent girl. 

He questioned his orders for the first time. 

His officer explained that sometimes it is necessary to sacrifice one to save one hundred, and so affirmed a Demon, who was there hunting the girl to exploit her power. 

Dragon Lord Gerald

The Maiden he was ordered to kill decided to die herself, together with her dangerous power of foreseeing the future. 

Gerald, who always followed orders to the letter, now found himself doubting his superior for the first time. His inability to deal with these doubts caused him to question his own worth. 

However, as his commanding officer said, the Maiden was a sacrifice necessary to save countless lives. 

So he swore that he would help avoid the war foreseen by the maiden. and that was the instant he took his first step toward independence.

CV: Go Fujimoto