
Swordsman of Gods Freed [ Grand Summoners ] Awoken Emperor of Gods Freed

Swordsman of Gods Freed

A noble child of the Isliid Empire and one of the Five Freedom Fighters. 

He was trusted by all due to his kindness and sense of justice, and he mastered both literary and martial arts. 

When he was young, his brother disappeared from the Royal Library of Famelle, a place thy often visited. 

He decided to dedicate himself to looking further into the true history... 

Believing that the disappearance was connected to the true history, he went on a journey with his comrades. 

As they approached to the core of the matter, they were hindered by an assassin and hunted by every nation. He tried to hide, but the assassin eventually found him.

Emperor of Gods Freed

Thrown into a frenzy after the murders of those he loved, his girlfriend's final words shook him... 

the assassin was his lost brother. 

He fights on, unsure what to believe, but recognizes his brother's face behind the mask. In the confusion of love and hate, is enemy was also shaken when called by name by a loved one. 

Brought to senses by his brother's stilled sword and heartfelt words, the older brother tells of how he was taken away and is glad that Freed is well. 

However, the time is brief, and when the madness returns the assassin doesn't hesitate to slay his younger brother.

CV: Akira Ishida