
Sword Agent Kane [ Grand Summoners ] Awoken Agent of Darkness Kane

Sword Agent Kane

A high-ranking official of the Republic of Gramenia. 

When he found out that another nation would be having a peace conference with the country of Garrah, he devised a plan in which he would attend the meeting as a bodyguard. 

His weapon of choice for the mission: a katana. 

Fen apparently found this choice odd, as Kane normally used guns, tanks, and other high-tech weaponry. 

Kane never explained why he chose a katana. In fact, only Ru--

who noticed the reading material poking out from his pocket on the way home--

learned the reason behind Kane's selection of the blade.

Agent of Darkness Kane

Like Fen, Kane was able to open the door to new possibilities in regards to combat at the end of the treacherous journey. 

"A genius isn't choosy about his weapon!" 

The only reason Fen didn't retort when Kane sang his own praises was most likely because he truly recognized his prowess as a warrior. 

Kane attempted to carry the sword and use it in his duties as an official as well, 

but gave up after learning that more people than he expected found out about his role as a bodyguard in the escort mission.

CV: Koichi Gomi