
Sealed Sword Fighter Nogia [ Grand Summoners ] Awoken Master of Swords Nogia

Sealed Sword Fighter Nogia

A mysterious warrior early in the Ancient War known as "Edgeless Nogia." 

For some reason, he never drew his sword and preferred to fight empty-handed. 

Nevertheless, there is no record of him losing a fight, meaning he must have possessed limitless power. 

He spent his life traveling, searching for "that which must be slashed.

" He swore to never draw his sword until that moment and kept that promise until the very end...

Though none can say if he ever met his target.

Master of Swords Nogia

A blade master who believed his sword should only be drawn when truly needed. 

He searched his whole life and found the need when he encountered a Flame Demon possessing the power of the stars. 

The beast was a personification of the very idea of flame, manifested by the Gods. 

And yet the first glimpse of his blade seemed to slice the creature in two. 

However, what he truly cut was not his body, but the link between the body and the flame. 

Sayingg that there still must be something needed to be slashed, he set out again

CV: Takamasa Mogi