
Funereal Bloom [ Grand Summoners ] Pola Cryptflower Pola | Haden Flower Empress Pola

Funereal Bloom

One of the six witches in "Grim Stella," Pola possessed incredible power and is feared as the "Funereal Bloom." 

With a unique set of values, Pola believed the singing voice of a young spirit boy she knew was the definition of beauty. 

However, a bandit she was chasing unleashed a curse on this boy, stealing his voice and vanishing without warning. 

Having been deprived of that which she loved most, she began an indiscriminate rampage on the world.

Cryptflower Pola

A witch feared as the "Funeral Bloom." As her rampage continued, a female Machine appeared before Pola and commenced a furious assault against her. 

In response, Pola unleashed her previously sealed true power. 

To her surprise, she realized that she perceived this automaton fighting heedlessly for its life as beautiful. 

Her lips curled into a smile. 

As the flames drew closer, Pola slowly closed her eyes.

Haden Flower Empress Pola

Her protector is a half-Beast half Demon youth who saved her on a whim. 

She was completely dumbfounded by this, but she used her special plant based defensive magic to protect an overwhelmed automaton that had changed its target the Demons. 

Until then, their only choice had been to fight alongside their enemy. And for some reason, this helped her power grow far beyond her previous limits. 

No one knows how the battle ended or what happened to her later, but the name Witch of Funeral Flowers never appeared in the histories again.

CV: Nanoko Minami