
Pure Demon Scion Mixie [ Grand Summoners ] Awoken Master of the Six Demons Mixie

Pure Demon Scion Mixie

This young woman was a highly placed officer supporting the Six Great Demon Generals early in the Ancient War. 

The courage she showed fighting on the front lines and leading her soldiers into battle 

meant no one could denounce her for the overweening arrogance she showed in her noble birth. 

Indeed, many loved her for it, believing such arrogance only seemed fitting for one so high in the Demon ranks. 

She had indeed once served a truly famous Demon General, but her renown was earned through deed, not on the coat-tails of her betters. 

She was truly a model Demon who never questioned her superiors and sincerely believed that the Demons were the natural rulers of the world.

Master of the Six Demons Mixie

Her scheme to destroy a gathering to bring peace between the 8 Races was proceeding perfectly. 

The Gods were trapped, forced to take arms against their partners. 

The gathering was destroyed, and yet her meticulously laid plan, built to fulfill her duty of spreading the seeds of war, suddenly fell apart. 

She reappeared before the crowd, revealing the plot, and when she moved to attack the Gods her body was pierced by unstoppable weapons. 

Standing there was the Machine General,a quiet being who normally only acted for itself...

CV: Rika Nagae / Toshiya Chiba