
Flashspear Reyon | Divine Spear Reyon [ Grand Summoners ] Awoken Radiant Spear God Reyon

Flashspear Reyon

A knight of the human race who made a name for himself in the Principality of Birmint after the war. 

He was a war orphan from a village where people who lost their families in the war gathered, but he was found talented. 

His childhood friend, the archer, has grown remarkably since he was appointed as an invited knight, and he always made a calm judgment. 

An incident occurs in which his benefactor who finds himself is assassinated, and he claims to be the first to find the criminal.

Divine Spear Reyon

A Bamint knight who worked tirelessly to make a name for himself. 

When he found out that the assassin who murdered the person he owed everything to was an old friend, he didn't so much as bat an eye. 

Not because he was cold and unfeeling, but because he wanted to ask the assassin why the did it, and possibly allow them to escape. 

When he heard their reasons, however, he grew enraged. 

To protect the honor of the deceased, he prepared to slay his old friend himself.

Radiant Spear God Reyon
He was desperate to have pierced the person he absolutely wanted to protect, which was more important than anyone else. 

But she laughed brightly. 

If everyone makes up, that's fine. 

He re-engraves the "dream of everyone in his childhood" 

that she left behind in her chest. 

He left the village, reasserting his original intention to rise to life in the Principality of Birmint, in order to protect the village and to create a country free of all discrimination.

CV: Shuma Konoe