
Alice [ Breaker ] SINoALICE

Alice awoke
she could hear FAINT nois in DARKNESS around her.
she smelle BLOOD
this world was not her own
but she understood the task at a hand
she had to revive her AUTHOR,  Lewis Carroll
and she know that in order to make, her WISH come true
she would have to KILL many, many other

i feel no pain
i know my wish is cursed

i cannot hesitate
if i do not bring ruin, i will fall into it myself

even if my right arm were shattered, or my left arm shredded,
i would not give in

the pain. the pain. the pain. the pain. the pain. i hear their pain

i do not desire forgiveness, i know my wish selfish

iam afraid...
afraid thet i may never meet him
perhaps i should accept that fate

i know only battle, may enemies, only defeat.
which oh us is more satisfied, i wonder?

i want i want i want i want to meet him

i know to SAVE one another must PERISH
but what does that make me?
after taking so many much SUFFERING
how could anyone ever be ALLOWED true SALVATION in the end?
