
Golden Archer Aluze [ Grand Summoners ] Awoken Gleaming Marksman Aluze

Golden Archer Aluze 

The son of a noble family from the small eastern city-state of Slevin. 

A strict upbringing and natural talent in both intellect and combat made him a standout from a young age. 

However, he never knew tenacity since expertise came to him so quickly. 

When he heard of a martial arts tournament in the distant country of Gitun, he faintly hoped it would provide some form of stimulation.

 He then ran away from home with only instinct and his light bow Leivachka to guide him on his journey.

Gleaming Marksman Aluze

Raised without any inconvenience as the son of an aristocrat, Arzu was strongly told when he took over the light bow Reyvatica from his father. 

It was a teaching that "as long as you are an aristocrat, you should fight to protect the weak.

" He followed the teachings on his way to the fighting competition and helped many. 

Arzu captivated many women because of his beauty, but he arrived at the Guitung War Kingdom without even noticing it because of his personality.

CV: Haruto Kuroki