
Ogre Slayer Tallis [ Grand Summoners ] Awoken Radiant Sword Goddess Tallis

Ogre Slayer Tallis

The master of Radiant Ittoryu, a Divine sword school, early in the Ancient War. 

When her father never returned from going to defeat a resurrected great beast, she took his place and became a national hero. 

Later, she became the royal fencing instructor, and earned international renown as the Ogre Slayer. 

However, she spent much of her time in diplomacy to help create enduring peace between all the 8 great races, as her King wished. 

She had dedicated her life to the sword, yet when she was with her childhood friend, a wizard now, she giggled like a young girl

Radiant Sword Goddess Tallis

The first step toward the peace both she and her king desired so fervently was a great summit between all the different neighboring races, but the clash of interests involved doomed it to failure. 

Animosity and ideoloady created a vast divide, and hatred built on hatred to sow chaos. 

And yet, she still strove to stop the senseless fighting and stood between the fighters to take the blows upon her own body. 

It was if she believed that she could stop all pain and suffering if she could keep the embers of war from bursting into flame.

CV: Yuka Yamamori