
Blademaster Gran Brave [ Grand Summoners ] Sword Savior Gran Brave Peerless Pyreblade Gran Brave

Blademaster Gran Brave

The greatest swordsman in all of Isliid, who fought slightly before the Great War. 

Raised in an orphanage on a nameless island, Gran Brave grew up strong with intense resentment towards the world and his parents for abandoning him. 

A natural swordsman, he was quickly recognized for his abilities by the emperor of Isliid. 

Even after being invited to become a high-ranking nobleman, he continued to amass incredible achievements, becoming a hero known to all of Isliid

Sword Savior Gran Brave

One of Raktehelm's legendary 3 Blade Masters, known to history as Clyde's master and a celebrated imperial hero. 

He one day encountered a young swordsman's ability. 

When he witnessed Clyde's potential, he immediately abandoned his title and position in Isliid and dedicated all of his energies to training Clyde. 

He surely bore witness to the fruits of that training as the swordsman guided the Empire and all of Humanity's future during the course of the Great War.

Peerless Pyreblade Gran Brave

CV: Kohei Aoyama