
Ganan [ Grand Summoners ] Awoken Ganan


Thought unable to use his full power because of unhealed injuries, he had actually fully recovered long ago. 

His inability to let go of the sins of the past is what caused him to limit himself. 

At the moment he overcame his past in the truest sense, his power surged beyond its peak, unleashing a strike capable of rending the earth.

Whatever comes his way, he'll face it with a smile and his allies at his side. 

Talk about dependable.

Awoken Ganan

Guild Master of the Fighter Guild "Raygrad Branch". 

I dismissed the leader of the Knights of the Imperial Capital of the Witehais Fighting Empire because of the death of an operation. 

According to the person himself, "This is easier and more sexual than the hard knights." 

Operation failure in the Knights It is owed a great deal of courage, and it becomes impossible to do such a power of nothingness.

CV: Hiroshi Naka