
Blazing Bullet Roy [ Grand Summoners ] Bullet Hell Roy

 Blazing Bullet Roy

Captain of the knights of the Empire of Isliid. 

This skilled warrior has achieved much despite his young age, including the subjugation of the Demons. 

Roy accepts a sudden joint mission with the information bureau, sacrificing his own vacation to allow his subordinates to take their time off in peace. 

Despite having a gentle expression in front of his friends, he tends to be very stern at work due to his position and responsibilities. 

This leads him to isolate himself at times, but he is never truly alone thanks to the trust he has earned from the Emperor and his subordinates.

Blazing Bullet Roy

i'm unaccustomed to using this kind of wapon.. but prepare yourself. servant of darkness, i'll shoot you down if you dare to come closer

Bullet Hell Roy

Roy, clad in the uniform of the Information Bureau. 

The empire has begun training its knights to be prepared for a myriad of combat situations by instructing them how to use a variety of weapons. 

The "Imperial Gun Arts" method was developed by Gichin Nanbu with the goal of teaching soldiers how to utilize firearms. 

It was created to accommodate the knight's affinity for close combat, but many-a-knight threw in the towel due to the hellish training needed to grasp the technique (even taking Roy a few years to master).

I Shall grasp victory, ragardless of what weapon in my head . that's the why of the Fenrir Corps .

CV: Satoshi Hino