
Time Observer Alma [ Grand Summoners ] Awoken Sorceress of Space-time Alma

Time Observer Alma

A mysterious witch whose name appears all throughout history. 

The accounts of her presence are spread so wide through the ages that historians of Raktehelm believe these are accounts of different people with the same name. 

However, if they all are about the same person, she must have possessed unprecedented anti-aging abilities, or have mastered Hyper-time Jumping, a magic thought to be impossible. 

There are rumors that she instructed one of the Five Freedom Fighters in barrier magic, and aided their escape from the shadows, but they remain just rumors.

Sorceress of Space-time Alma

This transcendental being who often shows up at critical historical points is called "The Watcher" by magical researchers. 

There is a theory that she is also Elenore, one of the Six Great Witches, but none know if this is true. 

The final mention of her in the histories implies that she was in contact with the assassin who killed the Five Freedom Fighters. 

By some coincidence, the records of the orphanage Rayas and Roy grew up in mention someone named Alma present at the founding, possibly the same one.

CV: Natsu Yorita