
Tempest Warrior Elmessio [ Grand Summoners ] Knight of All Nature Elmessio Element Crusader Elmessio awoken

Tempest Warrior Elmessio Knight

A Spirit mercenary who has roamed all the post-War nations. 

He was raised in a village in what is now the Principality of Bamint along with his beloved adopted sister Lione, and now they are unrivaled partners in work as well. 

He usually plays a support role for his attacking sister, but his ever changing attacks are unstoppable, and if he takes the offensive, the enemy forces are doomed. 

When he learned of danger approaching his home, he and his sister assassinated the ringleader of the plot, a powerful offical.

just as watter flows downhill. this meeting is inevitable

Knight of All Nature Elmessio 

A Spirit mercenary who wields the power of nature. 

Though wanted for the murder of an official, he explained to the knight pursuing him that the deed was done to protect their home. 

The knight was not convinced and attacked relentlessly, despite being a childhood friend. Indeed, he once held deep feelings for Lione... 

And know, the only ones ready to fight are he and this knight. 

If these two destroy each other, the other 3 present can go on without further death. 

With that thought, the man readied himself to stop the knight's attack.

Element Crusader Elmessio

He had only mean to stop the fighting but iadvertenly killed his childhood friend.

When he threatened to be comeover by the weigh of that loss, a slap from his sister brought him to his sense .

she was bravely holding back tears, which made him realize that death should not to be vain.

bidding a final farewell, he marched onward towards a future without war, a dream they all shared in ther younth

CV: Yu Okano