
Swordsman Rasaou [ Grand Summoners ] Ultimate Swordsman Rasaou , Ultimate Swordsman God Rasaou

Swordsman Rasaou 

A swordsman who escaped from the Gods in order to attain skills as a swordsman during the early period of the Ancient War. 

He traveled all over the world to find a strong opponent. 

Hearing the rumors of the "Destruction Giant" he heads to where the Giants lived. However, 

who he encountered was a girl running awau from Demons. 

Sensing that the Demon was strong, he fought against it, but disappeared during their fight. 

He ended up saving the girl, but this will change the rest of his life.

Ultimate Swordsman Rasaou

The Swordsman who traveled wuith a girl name Yummi during the early period of the Ancient War. 

His battles against strong opponents brushed up his magnificent sword skills. 

However, he still was not able to find the "Destruction Giant." 

One day, Yummi fell under the trap of a woman of the Spirit race and attacked him. 

Seeing her horrendous powers, he recognized she was the one he was looking for. 

Still, he was not able to raise his sword against her.

Ultimate Swordsman God Rasaou

"Spare the women and children..." This dignified swordsman never wavered in his principles. 

Perhapsit was this conviction, that let him remain true even when he was under attack, that helped the little girl's heart within the rampaging Giant of Ruin to win out. 

Although the swordsman could not win, he perhaps found some satisfaction in fighting a worthy adversary. 

The swordsman had a smile throughout the battle, and when the girl's frenzy abated, he held out his hand and took her on his journey.

CV: Hayato Kimura