
Secret Intelligencer Jill [ Grand Summoners ] Awoken Phantom Operative Jill

Secret Intelligencer Jill 

An official of a nation surrounded by other races who worked hard to maintain peace for her home. 

She used her gentle nature and feminine charms as weapons to lead other nations to lower their guards. 

Yet if circumstances called for it she was fully ready to lead armies form the front, and quite effectively too. 

However, her role in international diplomacy meant she had to keep that skill hidden. 

They say that no one who uncovered her secret survived long.

Phantom Operative Jill

They say that the moment the Gods asked her and her nation for help holding a meeting with the neighboring countries, it was doomed to failure. 

Even as she played innocent, she was putting her strategies into place. 

She planted the poisonous seeds of dissent, helped in the revenge of the Machines who were playing at being friends with the Demons, and succeeded in setting off the war. 

She and her co-conspirators had only one purpose. 

That was to get the other 7 great races apart to destroy each other.

CV: Rina Inoue