
Machina Warrior Vicious Machina Master Goddess Vicious

Machina Warrior Vicious 

She led a Machine nation's army early in the Ancient War. 

With her overwhelming firepower and ability to command, she was considered a key part of national defense by the government. 

Her soldiers were specialized for battle, and indeed most had little of what you'd call human emotion. In particular, she considered herself a weapon, and never wavered in that conviction. 

As a result, she never fretted about kiss of life in battle. 

She simply pursued her goal single-mindedly.

Machina Master Goddess Vicious

There was a Machine soldier who worried at her insistence she was a mere weapon. 

He fled of his own free will, and joined the service of a Divine swordsman. 

When the news of his death reached her, for the first time she felt an emotion; hatred. 

She sought out the swordsman to discover the killer, but learned that he had laid down his life in battle in the search for peace. 

Her life changed, then, to one of sadness over the death of her friend, and one of hope in the ideals he had held.

CV: Akari Matsumoto