
Dragon Scholar Louvet [ Grand Summoners ] Awoken Master of Dragons Louvet

Dragon Scholar Louve

A scholar of the Grramenia Republic in the era of confusion just after the Ancient War. 

He was also a member of the Five Freedom Fighters, and a fellow researcher into the true history along with the noble son Freed. 

The former La Riiz intelligence operative, friend and collaborator joined their journey at Louvet's invitation. 

The oldest of the Five Freedom Fighters, his vast stores of knowledge and wisdom have earned him deep faith from the others. 

And as a result, he was the first to understand the true secret history.

Master of Dragons Louvet

After escaping from La Riiz' assassin, he and the noblewoman of the Principality of Bamint finally married. 

The two lived happily in secret, but he was unable to abandon his research, and he finally did the reach the deepest secrets of the hidden history. 

But sadly Sonije fell into the relentless assassin's trap, and when he tried to save her he lost his life. 

A letter he wrote revealing the assassin's identity and the power hidden within the Five Freedom Fighter's leader was never delivered.

CV: Youhei Hamada